Der WFV präsentiert einen weiteren Neuzugang. Tomas Havelka wechselt von den Snipers Bratislava zum WFV. Coach Klaus Gufler zum Neuzugang, “Tomas ist ein junger aber schon sehr erfahrener Spieler. Seine Erfahrungen in Dänemark und der Slowakei werden uns weiterhelfen. Er ist ein technisch sehr versierter Spieler, der einen natürlichen Instinkt vor dem gegnerischen Tor hat.“
Aber lest selbst, wir haben mit Tomas vorab ein kurzes Interview geführt.
Could you please introduce yourself and tell us how you got to playing floorball?
Hello-Hello, I’m Tomas Havelka, a 23 years old finance student from Slovakia. I started playing floorball back in elementary school long time ago. We used to play a lot of Ball Hockey with the guys but then our very first PE teacher brought us some small plastic sticks and a holey ball and pretty much forced us to switch to playing that. We didn’t like in the beginning but after some time we didn’t do anything else but played floorball all day.
Why did you transfer to WFV?
Last year I was already studying here in Vienna however I was still playing with my former team in Bratislava and it was very time demanding to travel back and forth between these two cities. So, I thought it would be much simpler to just transfer to Vienna and play here.
What are your expectations for this season and for your new club?
Even though I’m pretty competitive when it comes to floorball in current Corona situation it’s probably better not to have any strong expectations, so I’d be more than happy if we successfully play all the games and finish the season.
Is there anything you are really excited for with our new team?
A lot for sure! It’s always fun to start in a new team, getting to know all the players’ styles and slowly get into the playing systems. Also, for me as a relatively new person in Austria, I enjoy the cultural aspect too.
You already had some experience with the guys in the training, how was your impression of it?
I like how many guys attend training sessions which creates a really good speed for the entire training. Also, everyone is friendly and kind, so my impression was very positive so far.
How much do you know about the IFL / WFV
Not that much. I went through some statistics from last IFL season and I played against some of the Hungarian teams before but that’s pretty much all I know.
Regarding WFV I believe I played one friendly match against you guys in Vienna few years back when I was playing for Snipers Bratislava.
Do you have any pregame rituals?
Not anymore. I had bunch of them when I was younger but none of them really worked 😀
How do you spend your time on the bus on away games?
Reading my Kindl or just listening to music.